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  • 2020内蒙古教师备考:北师大版四年级下册Unit7At the Restaurant说课

    发布时间:2020-05-29 15:32:22 内蒙教师招聘考试网 来源:华图教育 教师招聘考试群 华图在线APP

      2020内蒙古教师备考:北师大版四年级下册Unit7At the Restaurant说课内蒙古教师招聘考试网整理发布。更多关于教师考试辅导,教师招聘考试,教师招聘",以及教师招聘考试备考信息。请关注教师招聘考试网/内蒙古人事考试网!欢迎加入教师招聘考试群:760063761

    Good morning, my dear judges, I am NO.2. It’s a great honor for me to be here to talk about my teaching ideas with you. My presentation will include the following aspects: the analysis of teaching material, the analysis of students,the analysis of teaching procedures and so on.

    Part1: the analysis of teaching material

    First of all, I’d like to talk something about the teaching material. This lesson is taken from Unit 7 of BSD primary English book 3. The main content of this lesson is some words about food. After leaning, students can talk about the food they like in daily life fluently.

    Part2: the analysis of students

    After the analysis of teaching material, now let me analyze the students. With the growth of age, the students in grade 4 have the subtle mental change, from the active to quiet, dislike projecting themselves. They have learned English for one year, have get in touch with some words and can express the things they can do , which provide the foundation for this lesson .

    Part3: the analysis of teaching objectives

    1.Knowledge objective: Students will remember some words about food like noodles, vegetables, chicken...

    2.Ability objective: By making dialogue, students can talk about their favorite food freely in life.

    3.Emotional objective: students will be aware of the importance of cooperating in doing something.

    Part4: the analysis of teaching key&difficult points

    Key point: the understanding and the spelling of the new words.

    Difficult point: the use of the language into daily life.

    Part5: the analysis of teaching methods

    Correspondingly , The students will take part in the activities and finish the tasks cooperatively in pairs and in groups. They will use the language in a relax, democracy, and harmonious atmosphere .

    Part6: the analysis of teaching procedures

    Step1: Warming-up

    At the beginning of the class, after greeting my students, I will sing a song named Apple song to my students, it is like this...at the same time, I will lead them to recall some fruit words like apple, pear...and lay a good foundation for next step.

    Step2: presentation

    In this step, the main task is to lead them to learn the new words and sentence structures. So here are two activities in all.

    Activity1: students are given a situation, it is our friend Lily's birthday, she has prepared some delicious food for us, let's have a look at them. Then I will show them the pictures one by one and lead them to understand the words.

    Activity2: Then, to lead them use the sentence structure, I will point at each word and ask them the question: What do you like? They can answer what they like using the words we've learned.

    By doing these two activities, they can master the words and sentence structures.

    Step3: consolidation

    This step is mainly to help them put the words and sentence patterns they have learned into use. So here are two tasks in all.

    Task1: high and low voice

    I will say the words in a low voice and students should read them in a high voice. This is mainly to consolidate the pronunciation of the words.

    Task2: At the restaurant

    In this task, situational language teaching approach will be used. First, they are divided into several groups. Suppose they are in a foreign restaurant, and they are ordering some food.

    Task2: At the restaurant

    They should make a dialogue using the words and sentence strctures we have learned today. then several groups will be asked to show their dialogue to us and I'll give them some complements.

    Step4: summary&homework

    At the end of the class, I will ask someone to summarize what we have learned today, and I give them some supplements. Meanwhile, I will remind them to cherish food in life and never waste food.

    Finally, as for homework, students have to make a survey —— ask their parents what they like. Show us the result next class.

    Through these two tasks, students will have a further understanding of the teaching content today.

    Part7: the analysis of blackboard design

    Lastly, I would like to talk about my blackboard design. As you can see, It is very clear and logical, students can easily master what we have learned in

    the class.

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